Friday, February 25, 2011

Underground Hip Hop is Dead as shit.

Trip hop and old school hip hop in general are dead as fuck yet there's still assholes who think the only way to make music is by chopping up a shit sample and putting outdated drum samples with it and repeating it over and over again. If you're lucky you'll get some gay bass synth samples or even gayer vocal cuts. The gaylords that make this shit are stuck in the past. They think their style is the end of the production line but they fail to realize music has evolved so much since that genre wether they like it or not. They bitch and moan about how modern music is so awful yet they won't do anything about their own genre. If you were motivated to make something more fresh out of trip-hop it might still be on everybody's ipod. Take some advice from dubstep, that genre resurrected itself and is kicking your ass to the curb. Good music producers are risk takers and push the envelope of whatever genre they are doing. Shit-hop has had its day in the sun and it has been mastered as much as it can. It needs to modify into something else. should be renamed pastproducers.shithole. The sampling is so mediocre, just drum kicks and funky chicken shit. At least the assholes who love amon tobin know how to sample a fucking record. God damn you guys make me sick. You give sampling a bad name, all you do is copy and paste shit. You assholes flooded the market with the same shit over and over again and that's why the genre is dead. The same shit happened with rock and roll and people just packed up and said fuck it. The people over at stonesthrow and futureproducers think that anything other then a gay cassette loop is garbage but it's their genre that has turned into garbage. It doesn't hurt to try another genre out you faggots instead of riding on J Dilla's corpse to the bank.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

American Justice: Why I Encourage Illegal Immigration

I support illegal immigration because it supports my ball sac. When a mexican family comes over here it is likely that they will breed and make babies and there's a good chance one of these babies will be hot enough for me to fuck once their nipples ripen. Just like every fancy bridge, america has a toll booth and that toll booth is my cock. If you cross into this country illegally you can bet your ass i'll be fucking your daughter day and night until she wobbles like a turkey. This is american justice. Yes you make take my health care and take my job but i'll take your daughter's cherry. One reason i'm not ass hurt about illegal mexicans taking jobs is because american's suck dick at those jobs anyways. I remember when I used to roll up in fast food joint and see a whole bunch of zit faced teenagers flip them patties. Now I go and it looks like a fucking quince. There's nothing but mexican bitches taking and making my order. The reason restaurant managers stopped hiring american teenagers is because these fucking idiots would take weekends off to go fuck a bitch in a no fear t-shirt. If you hire a mexican mother you can bet your ass she'll be there even when she doesn't want to be because she's a money grubbin whore. I want someone to always be there to flip my burger late at night even if i just got back from fucking their daughter.

Honkies are too over protective and gay

Honky parents are the strictest and trashiest parents out there. They're the type of parents that will report their own kid for breaking into their car or stealing some grey goose. Most honky children are riddled with diseases and buck teeth. It's only fair to say they are a mutation of the dingus gene of the white rodent family. Today's honky family is one step above the old rosanne of the 80's. Now it's like the old rosanne listens to country music and eminem and jerks off the night before going to sunday school. These white people are the reason there's speed bumps at your stores and the reason why a consenting 15 year old girl can't have sex with a 18 year old man. It's full of hypocrisy and nasty honky facial expression. The reason these laws are in place is because white kids are fucking trashy at heart. If you're the father of a white girl you know better than anyone that by the time she's 13 she wants to fuck some random dude hardcore. In mexican culture it is encouraged that you fuck someone ten years younger than you even if you are 18. This is to get a good grip on the rib cage of whoever you are fucking. Blacks hold the highest standards of fucking if you can get past the diabetes and greasy skin.

The Origin of Big Anime Eyes

Contrary to popular belief, anime eyes were not created when Tezuka Osamu looked into the eyes of a baby deer right before he wiped his dick accross his wife's chin. Anime eyes where created because Tezuka was influenced by Betty Boop which was popular in Japan during that time. Tezuka liked Betty Boop because her forhead reminded him of a black guys ass crack and it motivated him to grow an extra chode wrinkle. Betty Boop is the ugliest female character drawn out since the black chick from the Princess and the Bride. I'm not here to judge, whatever rocks your boat rocks your prostate. Japaneese history is gay as fuck and I rather sit through mexican histroy two times over. I love a country where you milk your goat in the evening and blow your trumpet at night.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nissan S13-S14 240sx is the NISSAN SHIT BOX

Let's talk about the world famous nissan shitbox. This piece of shit car is the most over rated and over hyped piece of shit in the world. It's like that chick you almost fucked that was ugly as shit. has become the 4chan of auto forums. Bunch of hardcore elitist anime fans who try to make their lives as japaneese as possible short of getting eye surgery. They bitch and moan day and night until they get a good dose of butt fuck. One member tried to trick me into sending him paypal money so I could jerk off on his S13 while he blasted sailor moon music and fucked himself with nardi steering wheel. Every 240 fan treats like the holy bible of asshole. Don't get me started on shit tied. These two sites are the ones that tell these boxy bukkake fans that godspeed coilovers are a good brand and a $800 bride racing seat is bad ass. Might as well have a recaro car seat for the fat ass baby you'll never have while your at it. Ricer is as Ricer does and these people have a piece of rice blocking their dickhole if they think they're car is the shit. Half of the people that buy these piece of shit cars want to take out the shitty engine right when they buy it and get another shitty used japaneese one. This car is so fucking ugly I could make one out of legos but i'd rather use mega blocks because its closer to the qaulity of the material used to make these dildo's on wheels. Prepare to dish out at least $3,000 for the nissan shit box and another $3,000 for one that doesn't break down within a year.


If you're reading this you're a musician interested in using tunecore to get your music out. Well it will get your music out but you won't make a profit for shit. Ok so here's the story. I put two albums on tunecore and the service works fast. My music is on itunes within a day and on amazon within a week. Everything is my music and my samples so I own the rights to everything. I made some sales totalling to about $100 in the later part of december.

Of course I don't find out I made these sales until like two weeks later and they make you pay 3 bucks just to see what you make on itunes only but you don't receive any cash yet. That's irritating but that's not scamming behavior, they don't promise you instant reporting and you can do soundscan if you want instant tracking. What they do promise you is your money in 2 months. They make you wait at least 3 months, yes 3 months to get your money.
If you want to make a profit with tunecore, prepare to wait and wait some more or maybe receive nothing at all. The reason i'm so pissed off is on the tunecore site it says it pays the first wednesday of every month and the fourth wednesday of every month, two months after the month your music sells. So if I sold music on december 27th. I should expect payment 2 months later. Well it's already the fourth wednesday of febuary, which is the 23rd right now and I haven't gotten shit. So how come i'm not paid one cent tunecore. You guys are hoarding up my money and slurping up interest in the bank for at least a month.

More like scamcore. So let's get down to how exactly tunecore is lying to their customers. They tell you the reason they can't pay you is because the stores haven't paid them yet and most of them don't pay until two months later. Well everything's fucking digital and instant dickwads. The stores have paid you within a month's time and that's when I expect my fucking money. Don't give me that chargeback bullshit either. Yes stores wait up to month tops to give you guys money so a customer can't do a chargeback because they paid with a bad card or they wanted it for free but that privelege is taken away within a month. look at the payment timeframes of honest working sites like and there's actually real items being delivered so ridiculous that you assholes are pulling this shit on me for something that's digital.
The timeframe of payment should be faster as a digital item is sold and delivered faster and the money is solidified faster. Tunecore always tries and blames the stores and say "oh well that's their policy, we can't change their policy to pay you faster." It's not their policy you dipshits. It's yours and you just want more fucking money you greedy cunts so you drag payments on for at least an extra month. Even if one shitty store does do payments late you shouldn't drag on all the other store's payments for that one store as an excuse to make more interest off the money.

I know itunes and amazon pay within a month of the music being sold and they are the big money makers for musicians so get with the fucking program and start paying in a reasonable amount of time. I probably will get paid what's owed to me but it is not in a timely manner and not even in the shit timeframe that was promised. 3 months is too long and not what I was promised. Also another thing that's fishy about tunecore. No way that tunecore doesn't take a cut of sales. They brag up and down that all they charge you is the fee up front and that's it. Why am I only getting paid 70 cents for a song and 7 dollars for an album? I know itunes and other stores are taking their share which is ten cents per song and no more than a dollar per album. So that means tunecore is making 20 cents off each song you sell and another 2 dollars off each album. The reason I know this is because tunecore has a huge staff to pay and a huge corparate building and there is no way in hell the are able to function comfortably with small yearly fees. Even world of warcraft knows this.
They just want to get your music out there fast so they can make money off of it. It's like youre doing all the work for them. Shit even their gay contest with paul barker required you to pay ten bucks to submit a song. What a fucking rip off. Ten bucks to join a gay contest. Tunecore is all about milking their customer where ever they can. That includes making you pay 3 bucks to see if you sold 3 bucks worth of music and taking more money behind your back. Fuck you shitcore. Fuck you up your gay corporate ass. If you want to sell music I suggest setting up a paypal store. Cut out the greedy middleman. Money is pretty much instant and you don't have to worry about all the bullshit.