Thursday, February 24, 2011

American Justice: Why I Encourage Illegal Immigration

I support illegal immigration because it supports my ball sac. When a mexican family comes over here it is likely that they will breed and make babies and there's a good chance one of these babies will be hot enough for me to fuck once their nipples ripen. Just like every fancy bridge, america has a toll booth and that toll booth is my cock. If you cross into this country illegally you can bet your ass i'll be fucking your daughter day and night until she wobbles like a turkey. This is american justice. Yes you make take my health care and take my job but i'll take your daughter's cherry. One reason i'm not ass hurt about illegal mexicans taking jobs is because american's suck dick at those jobs anyways. I remember when I used to roll up in fast food joint and see a whole bunch of zit faced teenagers flip them patties. Now I go and it looks like a fucking quince. There's nothing but mexican bitches taking and making my order. The reason restaurant managers stopped hiring american teenagers is because these fucking idiots would take weekends off to go fuck a bitch in a no fear t-shirt. If you hire a mexican mother you can bet your ass she'll be there even when she doesn't want to be because she's a money grubbin whore. I want someone to always be there to flip my burger late at night even if i just got back from fucking their daughter.