Let's talk about the world famous nissan shitbox. This piece of shit car is the most over rated and over hyped piece of shit in the world. It's like that chick you almost fucked that was ugly as shit. Zilvia.net has become the 4chan of auto forums. Bunch of hardcore elitist anime fans who try to make their lives as japaneese as possible short of getting eye surgery. They bitch and moan day and night until they get a good dose of butt fuck. One member tried to trick me into sending him paypal money so I could jerk off on his S13 while he blasted sailor moon music and fucked himself with nardi steering wheel. Every 240 fan treats zilvia.net like the holy bible of asshole. Don't get me started on shit tied. These two sites are the ones that tell these boxy bukkake fans that godspeed coilovers are a good brand and a $800 bride racing seat is bad ass. Might as well have a recaro car seat for the fat ass baby you'll never have while your at it. Ricer is as Ricer does and these people have a piece of rice blocking their dickhole if they think they're car is the shit. Half of the people that buy these piece of shit cars want to take out the shitty engine right when they buy it and get another shitty used japaneese one. This car is so fucking ugly I could make one out of legos but i'd rather use mega blocks because its closer to the qaulity of the material used to make these dildo's on wheels. Prepare to dish out at least $3,000 for the nissan shit box and another $3,000 for one that doesn't break down within a year.