Friday, February 25, 2011

Underground Hip Hop is Dead as shit.

Trip hop and old school hip hop in general are dead as fuck yet there's still assholes who think the only way to make music is by chopping up a shit sample and putting outdated drum samples with it and repeating it over and over again. If you're lucky you'll get some gay bass synth samples or even gayer vocal cuts. The gaylords that make this shit are stuck in the past. They think their style is the end of the production line but they fail to realize music has evolved so much since that genre wether they like it or not. They bitch and moan about how modern music is so awful yet they won't do anything about their own genre. If you were motivated to make something more fresh out of trip-hop it might still be on everybody's ipod. Take some advice from dubstep, that genre resurrected itself and is kicking your ass to the curb. Good music producers are risk takers and push the envelope of whatever genre they are doing. Shit-hop has had its day in the sun and it has been mastered as much as it can. It needs to modify into something else. should be renamed pastproducers.shithole. The sampling is so mediocre, just drum kicks and funky chicken shit. At least the assholes who love amon tobin know how to sample a fucking record. God damn you guys make me sick. You give sampling a bad name, all you do is copy and paste shit. You assholes flooded the market with the same shit over and over again and that's why the genre is dead. The same shit happened with rock and roll and people just packed up and said fuck it. The people over at stonesthrow and futureproducers think that anything other then a gay cassette loop is garbage but it's their genre that has turned into garbage. It doesn't hurt to try another genre out you faggots instead of riding on J Dilla's corpse to the bank.